Friday, February 20, 2009


Oh its ever so pretty isnt it? Ahhh...yes. Beautiful crisp winter morning...
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! I am SO SO SO sick of this snow. Come on. Do we seriously need 18 feet of snow?!
Is it summer yet? Because I could really use a little sunshine right now. OK, a LOT.
Winter blues in an understatement at this point I think. I am down, I am depressed, I have cabin fever like you would not believe. I NEED OUT. Oh what I wouldnt give for a nice hot sunny vacation. I dont care where...anywhere with sun and warm weather.
Between the snow, and the sickies, I am done. We have been dealing with sickness in our house for 2.5 weeks straight. It's gotta let up sometime...soon...please?!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So...I think it's true...I have been officially sucked in. I dreamed all night about the first book! Yup, sucked in.
I have finished book #2 and tonight will start on #3 once the children are tucked into their beds.
I think the pictures I thought up in my head will far surpass anything the movie has to offer. I am almost afraid to see the movie for fear of dampening my thoughts of the story itself.
Sigh...I'm sucked in...

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Ahhh...I love when my hunny spoils me :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rain day??

OK, school was cancelled today. You much snow? I about rain!! UGG!!! You have got to be kidding me right?!?!

Why oh why today of all days?? COME ON...give me a break. They are bored, they fight over who is going on the computer first, who is going on the Wii first. Who has more friends, who has a girlfriend. Stop coughing on me, don't look at me!!!!!

My brain needs a vacation. I think a good glass(or bottle) of wine is needed for this great occasion of a 'snow day'!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday, monday...

OH how I love myself a good dose of MONDAY!! Don't get me wrong, I love my children with my entire being, but I also believe that distance makes the heart grow fonder! ;) One can only take so much of having 5 sick children being glued to ones arse. Did I mention I love Monday?

I honestly dont know how people can home-school. I have considered it many many times. I have patience, I have a whole bucket load of patience, but I also think you can only spend so much time with someone no matter who it is. The same goes for the children. I cant imagine them wanting to spend 24/7 with MOI. Though I am cool beyond belief ;)

I look forward to Mondays. By Friday though, I am ready for a break from the routine. To sit around in my jammies, with all my babies. After about 3 hours of that...I am looking forward to Monday again!

Is it summer yet?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Oh...Lord...kill me now...

First of all, mothers are not supposed to get sick. END OF STORY. Hrmmmpp...ya too bad it doesnt always work that way.

I feel like I have been hit by a truck...then that truck backed up...and hit me one more time juuust to make sure I'm really down. Fever, chills, stuffy, dry, weak, oh good times in the maritimes. Oh yes...

Even when Mummy is half dying my children still dont feel the need to BE QUIET. Don't they understand its ALL ABOUT ME. Another HA. I often wonder if it will ever be 'all about me' ever again. Not that I want it to be...just sayin ;)